Fifty Shades of Fabulous

If you come across Cafe Bianca in a random way, just stopping for a road side coffee, you will be slightly taken aback as you as you step through a nondescript door.
You leave the woes of the highway out on the street and enter a room of wonderful collections, 
Country tools, German earthenware , ceramic crocks, kitchenalia and a cabinet groaning with fresh food. 

You take note of the all female staff dressed in black and accessorized with finery . Then you spy statuesque Bianca popping out from the kitchen with a wide smile,  
“This place is fabulous “ I said.“We do fabulous well here darling ‘ she replied in a conspiratorial gravelly way.
When Bianca Hartley and her partner of 25 years Simon looked to exit Auckland their dot landed on Kaiwaka. Thirteen years ago they bought a house with a big garden here. 

Chef Simon ( ex French Cafe ) traded in his knives in for a chain saw and took to forestry. Bianca signed a year long contract with Kay Baxter at Koanga Gardens to learn how to seed save, propagate and grow organic food.
In a previous life Bianca’s world was full of glamour and amidst the quiet rural setting this bubbled up again . Between tending her garden that includes 20 varieties of fruit trees , she opened a fashion shop on Kaiwaka’s main stop off.

The rundown cafe next door came up for lease 3 years ago and , despite everyone telling her she was mad she signed it .
Bianca has read her public well, identified what the market wants and has evolved a very successful food formula. “Wholesome country food," she says," done well, food we know. While she may cook in a more exotic way at home her Cafe food is Kiwi approachable. 

The 11 strong local crew meet monthly to work together at improving the business.They open 8-4.30pm, described by Bianca , as “gentleman’s hours,' 6 days a week.

Next step is a licensed  tapas bar, opening a few nights a week  and a full time chef to take over the kitchen. This will leave time for Bianca to take a break from the kitchen and,one suspects, for the love of her life, her garden.

Northland is full of pioneer history. it has many tales of breaking barriers , bravery and bloody mindedness.

As the only “out“ transgendered businesswoman in the area,  ballsy Bianca continues the tradition, “ If you believe in yourself and have good values you can achieve what ever you want. “
She believes in gently pushing boundaries. Bianca has quietly given back to her community, providing  local employment , raising her hand for fundraising events and lending a wise ear to many,
 She has become something of a role model for those who feel outside the norm. 

The result: Simon and Bianca are now the talk of the town in all the right ways. 
Cafe Bianca
1956 Sate Highway 1
Kaiwaka, Northland
09 4312327

©Truffle Hounds
Words: Grant (Cook) Allen
Images: Jason (Burg) Burgess
